Two underestimated words- “Plain” & “Simple”. But with us, we take these words on a whole different scale that make our consumers want more. As we traverse through the complex world, we always have to be ready. At Plain and Simple, we envision for every generation to take on the urban streets and the dynamic events of life at ease with our comfortable and adaptable clothing. Plain and Simple has been executing this vision since 2018.
Who we are

How do we do it? No mathematical formula needed. It’s plain and simple. BASIC. If you are one of us who have struggled with a shower thought of what to wear in the day or night, you’ve come to the right place because we have the perfect solution for you. It’s basic, plain, and simple.

We at Plain & Simple have deliberately designed and engineered clothing that can be easily mixed and matched with the type of look you desire. From the comfortable boy next door, down to the dapper and smooth gentleman look, we got you, Fam.